Posts by Velia Pola

Community connections

At Steele Associates, we value our long-standing reputation as a leading agency for Cape Cod real estate sales and rentals. Part of what has made us so successful is our connection to the community. For example, we’re proud of our association with Katie Landry, niece of our own Bette Landry. Katie’s work is featured in…
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In memoriam

News & Info
The Steele Associates team is saddened to report that our founder, our friend, our beloved Joe Steele passed peacefully on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at home, surrounded by his loving family and devoted dogs, following a brief battle with cancer. Joe’s spirit will guide us forward, continuing the legacy he began in 1987, doing right…
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Concerns about Covid-19?

Of course, we all have concerns. Summer in a resort area gives us plenty to think about — as if we haven’t enough already. Safe social distancing and the practicing of recommended health protocols will help to ensure a safe summer for residents and visitors alike. The links below provide some useful information for both…
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Asset-Based Financing

News & Info
In the market for real estate but unwilling to dip into your hard-earned investments? If your income is not large enough to qualify for a mortgage, asset-based financing might be the answer. In short, asset-based financing is a loan or line of credit backed by eligible retirement accounts. This eliminates the need to cash-out your…
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